
The LEARNow Learning World

Users love our learning worlds

For the learners, the course content is divided into learning worlds, where they can quickly and easily locate and start the content they are looking for. Of course, the interface is also optimized for the use of mobile devices.

Content Management

Fabulous WBTs

Create fabulous web-based training content directly in You do not need plugins or other specialized tools for this. Editing is carried out via your standardized web browser. WBT creation has never been easier!

Easily create WBTs

In course management, simply click on “Create WBT” and LEARNow will create a new content for you. And all this with one click!
By the way, as an author, you can provide your WBTs with a password so that only selected people can participate in the creation.

PDF, Office and Co. in the course

Of course, your existing documents and media can still be used in LEARNow for course creation. As an author, you can easily embed Office documents such as PDFs, Words Powerpoint presentations or Excel sheets directly in the course.

Learning path control

Create courses for your learners by specifying authorization criteria for content. LEARNow provides you with all the functionalities you need. See how easy it is to design and implement testing and certification processes in your company. Certificates motivate learners and confirm their newly acquired knowledge. This ensures a smooth learning experience.

Creating tests with Cybertest

Professional e-testing

Through the available integration of Cybertest, professional e-testing is provided in LEARNow. Watch this video to see how to create questions for a test.